Michigan artist Dana Falconberry exhibits Native Plants, a group of painted and stitched canvases, in the Glen Arbor Arts Center Lobby Gallery. This small show runs May 2 – August 29, 2024. Dana Falconberry talks about her tools, process, and her documentation of native plants in Northern Michigan in her interview with Sarah Bearup-Neal, Gallery Manager at the Glen Arbor Arts Center (GAAC).
You can also stop by the gallery to see one of dana falconberry's ghost pipe pieces.
The light is spun from out the dark will be on view through August 31, 2024.
The Light is Spun From Out the Dark, Chainstitch Embroidery on Linen, 58 x 43.5"
Additional work by dana falconberry:
Portend, Acrylic and chainstitch
embroidery on canvas, 16 x 20"
Yarrow, Chainstitch embroidery
on linen, 20 x 16"